Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Customized SEO Tricks

Customized SEO tricks – maybe I should not call it tricks, because that implies some kind of trickery – but what I am really thinking of is doing your own customized SEO and making it really easy.

So, whatever it is called, customized SEO should be really easy. And I am going to share with you some of what I call ‘tricks’.

Customized SEO trick #1: Your onpage optimization has one purpose: it tells the search engines what your site is about. Your offpage optimization tells the search engines that your web site is important. You must have both. But I think that people spend far too long on onpage optimization. It is just necessary for the search engines, but does not really add any huge weight to how important the search engines think your site is, so it doesn’t really impact your ranking a lot – maybe 10%.

Customized SEO trick #2: You need lots of backlinks to your web site from similarly themed websites and those backlinks should propagate in a natural fashion. That means not too many new ones per week. That means that your anchor text cannot be exactly the same from anchor link to anchor link. If they are all the same, the search engines figure you hired somebody to get you a bunch of links – and that doesn’t mean your site is important. And that what the search engines want to know.

Customized SEO trick #3: Use your keyword a lot in your page – but do not stuff your page. Use it as much as you can, in a natural fashion. Use your keywords in your text anchor links


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