Monday, August 31, 2009
Hindi SMS
dil kahun to bikhar jayega,
Aa tera naam zindagi rakh dun,
maut se pehle to tera saath chuut na payega!
Thank You SMS
on the net.
It means so much to me
to share a bit
of my life with you
and yours a bit
with me.
The days are always
much brighter
when I receive a message
from you.
It’s great to know
there’s someone out there
who’s a friend,
loyal and true.
Our lives are always so hectic,
with little time to spare,
and it’s a wonderful feeling
just to know that you’re
out there.
You’ve made my life
much richer,
in your own caring way.
And I want you to know
that I’m thankful
for your friendship
every day.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Coffee with Anu

Well. This is not like Coffee with Karan(star) or Koffee with Anu(Vijay TV). This topic is dedicated to my all time favorite drink Coffee :). As I just start thinking about it only, I could feel the aroma of coffee seeds brewing and decotion filtering.
I was not actually a coffee girl. My life started as a complan girl because I was lean, thin and puny. Infact I myself used to make fun of me saying the only weight I have gained so far is head weight. So my parents made sure that I drink complan. But did I drink. Well thats a different story. I hated milk and complan is something I hated the most. But no choice. Have to drink.Then I found a way out. Our house where I lived was a single bedroom house but outside we had a big garden with coconut trees, banana trees and even many crotons and parijatham(No idea in english) flowers..So there used to be one small banana tree which never grew. So I thought it needed the complan more than I need. So everyday after my mom gives me complan I used to take it out to drink and silently pour it to the banana tree. You wont believe actually it worked. The young small banana tree actually grew.I think complan might be a good fertilizer. Try the strawberry flavour.
Oops..Deviation. Now coming back to coffee..So every day morning when my mom puts the filter for coffee, the aroma of it, I just couldnt resist my tempation. But do not drink coffee!!! Then in my ninth standard holidays I went to my aunts house. Its in a town. Kind of a mini village. There I was the youngest and my aunt adores me a lot. So I get the full pamperings. And though my mom packed me my complan also in my luggage I convinced my aunt for a coffee. So daily I used to wake up around 5:30 with her and she will make decotion and the filter coffee. Wow!!!! And I used to take two cups one for me and one for laziest cousin and used to wake him up also and go to terrace. Just imagine...Filter coffee in hand and in terrace watching the sun rising..Its heaven in earth kind.
After that when I came back and was in 10th standard with Public exams and all that, My parents gave in for my coffee craze. And coffee especially the first coffee which my mom makes is the best.Actually after making the coffee, you should make it once the decotion is ready and warm and milk is warm with the right mix. If you warm it up later after making its gone. Just the way I used to love the best coffee, I hate the coffee which is not good even slightly. So according to me the best coffee is the coffee that too the first coffee made in the morning by my mom.
And then take the coffee sit near the window play your favorite song. If music is divine, then music plus coffee is well what would you call when its more than divine.
My grandma also makes good one but it would be too light.
After that the next good one I tasted is in a restaurant in pondy bazar. Well I have tasted coffee right from road side canteens to five star hotels in chennai. But the best I liked is in Balaji Bavan in pondy bazar in chennai.
Me and my friend Jayanthi and Priya at times almost most of the times after college used to walk till the hotel and have coffee. Every sip I enjoyed there.
Then it was coffee day. Well,all the time in balaji bavan and all the price of coffee is manageable. it was 2 ruppees. But later when I shifted to banglore working for accenture, that is when I started going to coffee day. Actually I liked the name coffee day. And also the coffee was good quite good because they grind it freshly and make but quite costly. But worth it too.
Then I had come to singapore. That is when I had learnt of the word latte!!! And then the star bucks. Wow I became a instant fan of starbucks. My mornings are always bliss just to think about star bucks. I loved to work in MT and so everyday I used to take a coffee latte and go to MT. And in weekends, where I stayed there was a library near and inside the library there was star bucks. So first I used to pick my favorite book then take my favoite latte and then go to ECP beach. I had one favorite reserved for me . A rock near the pond which no one would have noitced. At times I even enjoy being alone too.
And ya..the flavor of coffee can be 100 times better if you have best company also. Right now am missing someone too much and it really aches to miss some one. So well now, I am going to prepare a coffee for myself and play my favorite song sit near the window and enjoy my coffee with someone speical in my thoughts. So let me stop here.
Would you care for a coffee with Anu?
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hiindi Jokes
Ladki boli: kali si surat, haath me ketli, dur khara chilaye, chae chae.
Boy says 2 girl: tute hue dil se pyar karogi ya dil tutne tak pyar karogi.
Girl says: tuti hui chapal se pite ga ya chappal tutne tak pitega.
Hotel mein khana kha k sardar haath k badle wash basin dhone laga.
Waiter ne pucha kya kar rahe ho?
Sardar bola: dikhta nahi lekha hai wash basin
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Life Is Beautiful
Blossoming Buds,
Chirping Birds,
Daughter's Voice calling me amma,
Enchanting divine music,
Fragrance of Fresh air,
Grassess kissed by dew drops,
Heavenly Breeze
Interesting Small Talks,
Joyful Dance,
Kindness around,
Lovable Friend,
Merriful Moments,
Nice weather,
Optimistic People,
Pleasant atmosphere,
Queer Thoughts,
Radiant You,
Surprise Rain,
Tendor thunder,
Understanding you(again),
Vivacious Spirit,
Windy Weather,
eXcellent View,
Yearning To see you(Even that!!!) And am
Zealous of You That makes my
Life Beautiful.
Ganesh Chaturthi sms

As you celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi
May Lord Ganesha shower his choicest blessings on you and your family
At Ganesh Chatrurthi
Hoping this Ganesh Chatrurthi
will be the start of year that
brings the happiness for you.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.
Jai Shri Ganesh
He is also known by many as Maha-Ganapathi.
Happy Birthday to Lord Ganesh.
GANESH ki jyoti se noor miltaha hai
sabke dilon ko surur milta hai
jobhi jaata hai GANESHA ke dwaar
kuch na kuch zarror milta hai
I pray to God for ur prosperous life.a
May you find all the delights of life,
may ur all dreams come true.
Bakthi Ganapathi...
Sakthi Ganapathi...
Siddhi Ganapathi...
Lakshmi Ganapathi...
Maha Ganapathi...
May this Ganesh Chaturthi brings you
Bakthi, Shakthi, Siddhi, Laskhmi and Maha samriddhi!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Harry potter - funny video
Friday, August 21, 2009
Inspirational SMS
Leaves their own unique mark on our heart.
A mark which can never be chizzled away,
Even if the years eventually pull us apart.
We can take on their expressions and such,
The more we share of ourselves together.
It’s those little things about another person,
Which can remain a part in us forever.
People who we have met throughout our life,
Become a part of the person who we are today.
We learn and we grow from the relationships;
Each one touching us, in it’s own special way.
We laugh about spending too much time together,
When we think we have become like each other.
But it just shows how much we’ve been touched,
By the relationship we have found with another.
Those special people who can touch our lives,
Are like precious jewels amongst life’s treasures.
They shine on us and leave a lasting impression;
An unique mark on our heart;
A gift without measures.
Greetings SMS
Kaise lagaun haath kisi or kaam ko…
Socha tha dil mein id ki tayariyan kare…
Dekha unhe to bool gaye sare kaam ko…
Din dhal gaya to aaye vo milne k vaste…
Padh kar namaze id milenge unhi se hum…
Unke bager id hamari hai bhi naam ko…
Hoti ha unke deed hi se to hamari EID…
Hamne bahane CHAAND k dekha tha baam ko…
Aaya na kabhi unki taraf se koi bhi khat…
Yeh dil taras raha hai abhi tak payam ko…
Lillah maza milegahume jab hi EID ka
KHSHIYAN agar milengi har 1khasi aam ko…
Hindi Ghazals
To kyo aarzu ki mulakat…
Ye rasman bhi koi nahi puchta…
Kahan din guzara??
Kahan raat ki………
Pata ye chala vo to ha SANGDIL
Use kadr kya mere JAZBAAT KI………..
Tumhe pa k bhi hum akele rahe…………………..
Ajab DURIYAN hain ye halaat ki……..,,
Kasam hai na bulegi ”
Jo ghadiyan guzari tere sath ki………………….!!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Windows XP Shortcuts
Shift+Windows+M Undo minimize all open windows
Windows+F1 Open Windows Help
Windows+Tab Cycle through the Taskbar buttons
Windows+Break Open the System Properties dialog box
Accessability Shortcuts
Right SHIFT for eight seconds........ Switch FilterKeys on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +PRINT SCREEN....... Switch High Contrast on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK....... Switch MouseKeys on and off.
SHIFT....... five times Switch StickyKeys on and off.
NUM LOCK...... for five seconds Switch ToggleKeys on and off.
Explorer Shortcuts
END....... Display the bottom of the active window.
HOME....... Display the top of the active window.
NUM LOCK+ASTERISK....... on numeric keypad (*) Display all subfolders under the selected folder.
NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN....... on numeric keypad (+) Display the contents of the selected folder.
NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN....... on numeric keypad (-) Collapse the selected folder.
LEFT ARROW...... Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder.
RIGHT ARROW....... Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first subfolder.
Type the following commands in your Run Box (Windows Key + R) or Start Run
devmgmt.msc = Device Manager
msinfo32 = System Information
cleanmgr = Disk Cleanup
ntbackup = Backup or Restore Wizard (Windows Backup Utility)
mmc = Microsoft Management Console
excel = Microsoft Excel (If Installed)
msaccess = Microsoft Access (If Installed)
powerpnt = Microsoft PowerPoint (If Installed)
winword = Microsoft Word (If Installed)
frontpg = Microsoft FrontPage (If Installed)
notepad = Notepad
wordpad = WordPad
calc = Calculator
msmsgs = Windows Messenger
mspaint = Microsoft Paint
wmplayer = Windows Media Player
rstrui = System Restore
netscp6 = Netscape 6.x
netscp = Netscape 7.x
netscape = Netscape 4.x
waol = America Online
control = Opens the Control Panel
control printers = Opens the Printers Dialog
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Aishwarya Rai Greatest Moments
Friday, August 14, 2009
Inspirational SMS
Open your heart to others; give of yourself each day.
See the beauty in everyone regardless of where they’ve been,
Some have a difficult journey and really need a friend.
Share your gifts and talents; listen with your heart.
Do the things you dream about but don’t have time to start.
Pick a bouquet of flowers; show someone that you care,
Be gracious and forgiving; life is never fair.
Hold on to your courage, you may need it down the road,
We all have a cross to bear; it could be a heavy load.
If you practice all these things no matter where you roam,
You may find both sun and rain, but you’ll never feel alone.
Laloo’s Jokes
Dear friends ,
I am posting some jokes… please enjoy…have a big smile and if possible free laugh…(very rare!!!).
Laloo at Bar
At a bar in New York, the man to Laloo’s left tells the bartender, “JOHNNIE WALKER, SINGLE.”
And the man’s companion says, “JACK DANIELS, SINGLE.” The bartender approaches Lalooand asks, “AND YOU, SIR?”
Laloo replies: “LALOO YADAV, MARRIED.”
Laloo as Model
After having resigned as the CM of Bihar, Laloo decides to go modelling.Once he enters the herd of buffaloes and resting his elbows on the back of the cattle he poses for the photo.
Next day the photo appears front page of a newspaper. GUESS THE CAPTION !! Laloo, third from left!
Laloo’s Clock
Rabri Devi died and went to heaven (Don’t Laugh). As she stood in front of yamraj , she saw a huge wall of clocks behind.
She asked, “What are all those clocks?”
Yamraj answered, “Those are lie Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a LieClock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move.
” “Oh,” said Rabri, “Who’s clock is that?”
That’s Gautam Buddha’s. The hands have never moved indicating that he never told a lie.”And whose clock is that?”
That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have only moved twice, telling us that Abraham only told 2 lies in his entire life.”
Rabri asked, “Where’s my Laloo’s clock?”
“Laloo’s clock is in my office”, replied yamraj, “I’m using it as a ceiling fan.
Wait or Weight
Once Laloo was coming out of Airport. As there was huge rush the security guard told Laloo “WAIT PLEASE” for which Laloo replied “65Kgs” and moved on…
Laloo’s Family Planning Policy
Laloos family planning policy..”DONT HAVE MORE THAN TWO CHILDREN IN ONE YEAR”
Independence Day
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Wish you 63rd Indian Independence Day
Happy Independence Day
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Kya aap Ravan banna chahte hain ??? (wanna be Ravan ???)
Kya aap Ravan banna chahte hain ??? (wanna be Ravan ???)
Think Again …
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Unless You are Me

Be it a movie or Be it a song,
Be it a novel or Be it a magazine,
Be it am cooking or Be it am cleaning,
Be it am dancing or Be it am singing,
Be it am chatting or Be it am working,
Be it is related or Be it is not related,
Whatever Be it is, You are being in it...
There is nothing in which you arent there,
and Not a moment passess without you..
You could understand that if and only if
You are Me.
Giselle monteiro Latest photo shoot

Why should this Brazilian model, Giselle Monteiro, play a Punjabi kudi, when we have so many kudis in India? Ask Imtiaz Ali
Giselle Monteiro
Anyone who’s seen Love Aaj Kal, has come away wondering who ‘Harleen’ is. Her name hasn’t appeared in the credits. Evidently there’s a good reason for it. This Punjabi kudi isn’t a Punjabi kudi at all. She’s a 19-year-old Brazilian model called Giselle Monteiro who couldn’t speak Hindi or dance to save her life, at one point in time. And director Imtiaz Ali didn’t want to let out that a Brazilian was playing his Punjabi kudi — and so put off audiences.

from All Hot Celebrities
Monday, August 10, 2009
Protect Ourselves from Swine Flu / H1N1
Protect yourself from Swine Flu. Few precautions & details are in below mail which can help us to prevent from Swine Flu. Please share this info with your family & friends also.
Recently some cases of Influenza A (H1N1) Swineflu have been identified in Pune and few other major cities in India. The number of Swineflu affected cases are increasing. Currently there is no need for panic, yet it is important to be alert and to be prepared to face such eventuality.
About Swine Flu
The 2009 swine flu outbreak is an epidemic of a new strain of influenza virus that was clinically identified in April 2009. It is a type of influenza A (H1N1) virus and is currently a phase 5 outbreak with significant risk, one level below an official pandemic. This virus is species specific and infects pigs; however they do cross barrier of species and transmit to human. Once this happens it easily passes on from one person to the other.
Signs & Symptoms
Cough, fever, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body ache, headache, chills and fatigue. In worst cases and complexities, it may further be added with sever illness and pneumonia or respiratory failure resulting to death.
Do the Following
· No handshake, meaning that greet each other as well as visitors, without shaking hands.
. Maintain personal hygiene.
· Practice safe food consumption habits.
· Cover your sneeze and cough in disposable tissues.
· Avoid close contact with wild birds / animals. Stay away from the Zoo.
· As a social distancing measure, avoid close contact with the people having cough and fever.
· Ensure your regular workplace is kept clean.
· Immediately contact physician in case of illness and fatigue or weakness.
Travel Care
Carry all necessary details about medical assistance during the trip.
List of Government hospitals where H1N1 Swineflue is treated in India.
S No | Location | Hospital | Helpline number(s) |
1 | Bangalore | Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Chest Diseases, Near NIMHANS, Hombegowda Nagar, Bangalore-560029 | 91-80-26632634 |
2 | Chandigarh | Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGI), Sector 12, Chandigarh-160012 | +91-172-2747585, 2746018, 2756565 |
3 | Chennai | Communicable Diseases Hospital, No 187, Thiruvottiyur High Road, Near Apollo Hospital, Tondiarpet, Chennai-600081 | +91-44-25912686, 25912687, 25912688 |
4 | Hyderabad | Govt Chest Hospital, E S I Hospital Road, S R Nagar, Erragadda, Hyderabad-500018 | +91-40-23814421, 23814422 |
5 | Kolkata | Beliaghata Id Hospital, 57 Beliaghata Main Road, Kolkata-700010 | +91-33-23701251, 23701252, 23601251, 23601252 |
6 | Mumbai | Kasturba Hospital, Sane Guruji Rd., Jacob Circle, Opp. Arthur Rd Jail, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai-400011 | +91-22-23083901, 23054831, 23004325 |
7 | Noida | Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Ward No.5, Baba Kharak Singh Marg, Connaught Place-110001 | +91-11-23921401/24525211 |
8 | Pune | Naidu Hospital, Near Le Meridian Hotel, Raja Bahadur Mill, Pune GPO, Pune-411001 | +91-20-26058243, 26058842 |
Source: Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune
Team HR
Mah & Goa Circle
Sunday, August 9, 2009
My Magazines..

We went to Mustafa yesterday for the weekly gorcs shopping. And I went to magazine section as usual. Well Reading is my hobby
and I wouldnt miss some of my favorite magazines. So when I get a chance to go to Mustafa, I try to buy them. And to my
surprise yesterday I saw WISDOM.
WISDOM though is considered as childrens magazine, it has lot of useful stuff for elders. I used to read it when I was young.
They were golden period. I got the magazine for my daughter.
Okay now that brings back lot of memories related to my crazy reading. When I was in school, I used to read Gokulam and
wisdom. And my parents would bring that only in the summer holiday time. So it would be only for 2 months. And after that
they started a public library near my house. But unfortunately there werent much of kids magazines that time.
But still most of the time, I used to borrow the books from the library and then I started saving money to buy my favorite
It started with Gokulam and WISDOM and then slowly to TINKLE,CSR and Womans ERA, Readers Digest, India today and so on.
So even now I spend quite a lot on buying these magazines (Poor hubby!!!)
At times when I start reading I will never be able to close it without completing it. Many times I had been inspired to write
something to these magazines..But well why scare others. And when I start reading at times, I used to hide below the bed and
read. But the best of moments will be to sit beside the window when its raining and sipping MOM made coffee. Especially it
would be more divine when I had troubled my mom enough for the coffee.
Reading especially from books gives trememendous pleasure. Be it a magazine or novel its the best company a person could
have. Whether it enlightens your mind or provoke your thoughts or just takes you to a world of imagination whatever be it,
its a very good hobby.
With internet around and laptops becoming a necessity habit of reading is slowly vanishing. Guess very soon our future
generation would be seeing books in a museum.
You might ask what difference it makes to read a book or browse the same in net or your personal laptop. Well it makes a lot
of difference. The very best thing about books well especially when you buy it new wow!!! the fragrance. When I was young for
my school text books, I always buy the second hand books from my seniors or in a place called Luz there is a big old book
shop which we can browse through and get our books. So that way I used to miss the new text book fragrance. Infact I had
longed for it. At times I even used to pray that the syllabus should change so I can get new books :)
Well I was very immatured.
Ooops. Am deviating from the topic.
Yeah the first best thing I love about books is the fragrance. The next thing is well about turning the pages and keeping a
book mark and ofcourse carrying it wherever you want even in a bus and sitting next to window seat and reading. It definitely
wont spoil my eyes. At times after long time of sitting in front of computer have made my eyes tired but never reading a big
book has made me fall tired.
I generally prefer to gift books to my friends. And going to book shop is definitely a turn on for me. Music and Reading are
like two eyes for me.
After I joined my first job and got my first salary the first thing I did is to go to Landmark...My dream shop. And I got my
favorite books my favorite poem books and a fiction book. And after that it became a regular practise. Whenever I happen to
got a new place I always make it a point to buy a book. And I have quite a big list of to read books always.
The latest one is well a book by Bipin Chandra.
So let me stop her and keep reading....:)
Source : Youtube
Saturday, August 8, 2009
True Lies
I am not thinking about you,
I do not miss you,
I am not expecting any message from you.
Right now...
Your presence would make no difference,
Your call is just another call,
Your thoughts do not disturb me.
Right now...
I do not expect to see you..
I do not long to talk to you..
I am not waiting for you..
And these are what you call
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tata Bye Bye See You

When I was young, we were staying in a place which was near the railway track. Basically, from our house backyard we can sit and watch the trains. And that time me and my sister will go and stand in the backyard and keep waving bye bye to every train that pass by hoping someone will return us the bye :). But it never happened like that and the only thing that happened was we shifted our house.
Because of that disappointment, I had taken a oath that if at all I travel in train and if I see any kids waving I would respond back by waving back a tata byebye see you :)
And luckily my first job I got was in tambaram and every day I had to take a train from Mamabalam to Tambaram, It would be atleast easily thirty plus minutes journey and almost 6 to 7 stops in between. And I used run and catch the train and will always stand near the exit door for two reasons.
One thing is I love the breeze flowing on my face and second most important thing is to keep my oath. And to my shock, again I was the one who was disappointed. Throught out the journey I never noticed a single baby waving to the train. Time changed may be..This continued for a week and I got so frustrated that I thought I would start taking bus instead of train.
(I know it would sound so silly but still...Life is not a big thing right..its again made up of so many small things ;))
And then it happened. As I took the train and when the train was reaching sanitorium the stop which I was about to get down, I saw a mom feeding her child showing the train and the kid was showing bye bye to the train???. Thats it...I just dropped the file I was holding and literally was waving a BIG BYE BYE for the kid. I dont have words to explain the excitement I had..Even now I feel so while writing this. The happiness in fulfilling one kids wish is really ectasy. After that we had a group in the train going regularly to same place and somehow everyone understood the childhood disappointment I faced and everyone started waving to that kid regularly. And infact the kids name later I learnt as Gayathri and we became friends too.
So anytime you see a baby waving at you, dont think if you know the kid just wave back. Its priceless and you are making a kid happy :)
Hindi SMS
Hume tumse Love hai
Please refuse na karna..
Ye zero watt ka hope bulb hai
Please ise fuse na karna!!!
Ek janaze ko dekh ek ladki muskraye,
Ek baba bola beti jawaan janaze ko dekh kar
Yu muskarya nahi karte, ladki boli
Wada kiya tha jab bhi milange muskarayenge.
Itna aitbaar to apni dhadkanon par bhi humne na kiya,
Jitna aapki baaton par karte hain,
Itna intezar to apni saanson ka bhi na kiya,
Jitna aapke milne ka karte hain…
Unhe chahana hamari kamzori hai,
Unse keh nahi pana hamari majburi hai,
Wo kyun nahi samajhte hamari khamoshi ko,
Kya pyaar ka izhaar karna zaruri hai.
Funny Shayari
Na ye Lab hoti Na Ye Accident Hota
Abhi Practical main ayee nazar Ek Larki
Sundar thi Naak Us ki Test Tube Jaisi
Baton main Us ki Glucose ki Mithas thi
Sanson main Ester ki Khushboo bhi sath thi
Aankhon se jhalakta tha kuch is Tarah ka Pyaar
Bin Piye hi ho jata hai Alcohol ka Khumar
Benzene sa hota tha Uski Presence ka Ehsaas
Andhere main hota tha Radium ka Ahsas
Nazrain mileen, reaction hua
Kuch is tarah Love ka Production hua
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Tamanna Biography
Tamanna Bhatia is a south Indian model/actress who started her film career through her debut film in Hindi called Chand Sa Roshan Chehra.Tamannaah was born to Santhosh Bhatia and Rajani Bhatia on 21 December 1989. She started acting at the age of 13; Now she is first year student at National College in Bandra. She has a brother, Anand Bhatia. She can speak Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and English. Tamanna has done many ads in Tamil for big companies such as Shakti Masala, Saravana Stores and RMKV. She also did few a music albums before she entered the film industry. She stars in the commercial of Sun Direct.She changed her name recently as Tamannaah Bhatia (old name Tamanna Bhatia).