Friday, December 31, 2010
yılbasında ne giyeceğime karar veremedim ama iki tane altarnetif düşündüm biricisi görmüş oldugunuz siyah smokin çeket ,içine beyaz fila detaydı benim tasarımım olan beyaz gömlek ,altınada H&M den aldıgım deri baskılı siyah kot ve bagcıklı ayakkabı ...
diğer altarnetifim beyaz Copy Righyt çeket , tasarımı Ümit Ünal a ayit çok sevdiğim siyah gömlek , Loft beyaz pantolon ...
ve tabiki siyah gömlegin üzerine beyaz papyon .....
VE şimid sıra sizde Yılbaşı gecesi evde olun yada olmayı ;(ben evde olucam güzel bir party hazırladık ) kesinlikle herkez şık olmalı !: Ayrıca şunada dikkat çekmek istiyorum şık değince aklınıza abiye gelmesin ! çok rahat kıyafetlerlede çok şık olabilirsiniz bence yılbaşı gecesi kesinlikle kadınlar topuklu ayakkabı giymeli ; Erkeklerde kesinlikle çeket ve gömlek giymeli ....
my jewelry
En çok sevdiğim ve genellikle gömlek giydiğim zaman taktığım ismimin ve Karl Lagerfeldin yazılı oldugu kolyeler
Ne kadar çok ağır olsalarda gümüş künyelerimden vaz geçemiyorum . Dışarıdan eve geldiğim zaman ilk çıkardığım şeyler onlar oluyor ..
Swatch un Pop serisi saatlerini çok seviyorum yüzlerce modeli var ben bu saatleri çok iddalı oldukları için genelde çeket pantolon kombinlerimde ayakkabıyla kombinliyorum ..
Aksesuarlar ve takılar aslında küçük dokunuşlarla büyük farklılıklar yaratabileceğiniz ,aynı zamanda cok basit sade gözküken kıyafetlerinizi canlandıracagınız çok önemli malzemeler ; ben takı kullanmayı cok seviyorum özellikle üst üste bileklikler yüzükler vs , size verebileceğim tüyolar çok iddalı giyindiyseniz eyer kesinlkikle daha az dikkat çeken ve sade takılar kullanın , böylece hem gözü yormaz hemde çok sağlam bir kombin yapmış olursunuz ,şayet çok sade giyindiyseniz takacagınız abartılı gösterişli takılarla kombininizi daha iddalı ve çekici kılabilirsiniz .....
Thursday, December 30, 2010
GERİ SAYIM BAŞLADI ! … Türkiyenin en büyük moda organizasyonu olan İstanbul Fashion Week , 3-6 Şubat tarihleri arasında Santral İstanbul da! İTKİB,in moda tasarımcıları derneği ,Birleşmiş Markalar Dernegi ve İstanbul Moda Akademisi iş birliğiyle düzenlediği türkiyenİn en büyük moda organizasyonu İstanbul Fashion Week , Türk modasının önde gelen isimlerini ve markalarını dördüncü kez bir araya getiriyor . birçok marka ve tasarımcılarının 2012 Sonbahar/Kıs kolleksiyonlarını sergileyeceği defileler Santral İstanbul’da gerçekleşecek gelişmeler için beni takip edin..:)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Once upon a time
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, and all of the others, including Love.
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left.
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment.
When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No I can't..There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place for you here."
Love decided to ask Vanity, who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, "Vanity, please help me!" "I can't help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness let me go with you." "Oh…Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"
Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder her name.
When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Love, realizing how much he owed the elder, asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.
Friday, December 24, 2010
I am a Mom

And The Day Starts and Ends with...
Wake up Darling..
Wake up now..
Brush your teeth.
Dont eat without brushing.
No choclates...
Come back sit in sofa and watch the TV..
Eyes..will spoil..come back..
Dont cry for everything
If you cry you are not getting it
Bite and eat
Please bite and eat
Come take bath
Dont drink that water
Dont run without dressing up
Go to restroom before we start
Please go
Can you hold
Dont touch it
Be careful
Drink milk
Come give me a kiss
I need a hug NOW
Story time
Dont run so fast
No.Dont say that.
Ask Daddy
Stop whining
Stop crying
Dont throw the mobile down
Sleeping Time
Good Night Dear
No jumping on the bed
Dont shout
Okay sweetu sleep now :-)
.....And it still goes on and on and on..
Thursday, December 23, 2010
3 Tense
Sir : Tense kitne prakar k hote he.?
Boy : 3
Past, Present, Future.
Sir : Example do
Boy :kal apki beti ko dekha.
Aaj pyar karta hu.
Kal bhaga le jaunga..
Boy : 3
Past, Present, Future.
Sir : Example do
Boy :kal apki beti ko dekha.
Aaj pyar karta hu.
Kal bhaga le jaunga..
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Screaming Frog SEO Spider Report
What Information Does The Screaming Frog SEO Spider Report?
A quick summary of some of the data collected -
- Errors – Client & server errors (4XX, 5XX)
- Redirects – (3XX, permanent or temporary)
- External Links – All followed links and their subsequent status codes
- URI Issues – Non ASCII characters, underscores, uppercase characters, dynamic uris, over 115 characters
- Duplicate Pages – Hash value / MD5checksums lookup for duplicate pages
- Page Title – Missing, duplicate, over 70 characters, same as h1, multiple
- Meta Description – Missing, duplicate, over 156 characters, multiple
- Meta Keyword – Mainly for reference as it’s only (barely) used by Yahoo the last time I checked. Missing, duplicate, multiple
- H1 – Missing, duplicate, over 70 characters, multiple
- H2 – Missing, duplicate, over 70 characters, multiple
- Meta Robots – Index, noindex, follow, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet, noodp, noydir etc
- Meta Refresh – Including target page and time delay
- Canonical link element
- File Size
- Page depth level
- Inlinks – All pages linking to a URI
- Outlinks – All pages a URI links out to
- Anchor Text – All link text. Alt text from images with links
- Follow & Nofollow – At link level (true/false)
- Images – All URIs with the image link & all images from a given page. Images over 100kb, missing alt text, alt text over 100 characters
Monday, December 20, 2010
JPEG 445x593*
GIF 300x300*
JPEG 400x400*
JPEG 300x454*
JPEG 300x400*
JPEG 450x321*
JPEG 350x350*
*Click on image to view full size
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Basics of a SEO Mindset
The critical part of SEO is to have the right SEO mindset, and attain pointers that can assist in succeeding when it comes to free search engine traffic. I will lay out 3 important SEO mindset basics based on my experience, that many people can overlook or get wrong.
1.) Submitting your site to many Search Engines
In getting search engine traffic the most obvious thing to do would be to submit a site to many; or as many search engines as humanly possible. The fact of the matter is that you do not need to submit your site to any search engines at all. Spending time on other activities such as building internal & external links that will point to or within your website pages. Another activity would be writing good content for your site, such as seen in article marketing. In addition, you can submit to social bookmarking sites or article directories that will get more traffic. What this will end up doing is getting the search engines to indirectly index your and as a side effect rank you high with the possibility of much more search engine traffic coming.
2.) Rush to get High PR but Not Search Engine Traffic
Many are excited to get High PR, but the reality is that PR is not equivalent to search engine traffic at all. If you have a high PR site but are not targeting to a right set of keywords for seo, you will not get get the expectations you want in terms of search engine traffic. Therefore, a right seo mindset for PR is developed from people linking to your site. If web pages with a PR5 link to you, you should be able to get a PR4. And this is all that it means. A high PR page will get indexed more regularly than sites below but that is the only true benefit from high PR, thus not meaning you will get more search engine traffic to your site.
One of the best ways to get high search engine traffic is to forget about high PR as it will come slowly once you add links that point to your site. Focusing in on writing more articles, and posting valuable unique content to your blog daily with a low competition long tail keyword will have the search engines satisfied; or in other words search engines love this and will rank you a higher position.
PR 101- What PR signifies is Page Rank, and this is what Google and other search engines generally apply to each page on the web. Search Engines such as Google also apply a score between 0 and 10 to PR (page rank). Thus, new pages will typically have a page rank of 0. On a yearly basis, search engines update page rank approximately 4 times.
3.) Not needing SEO, already ranked high For My Name
Many people consider that having a specific phrase ranked high in the search engine is enough to not need SEO. For example; "Breaking the bank with Billy". Being ranked high for specific phrases is a good thing but the fact is that the number of people searching for this specific phrase is extremely low, if any. This is why it is wise to do SEO, and to aim for much more common phrases, such as "making money online fast", since this would be a higher aim for searchers online.
Overall, the heart of SEO is (or should be) to target keyword phrases that have lower competition. It is possible to rank high without high PR by building more internal & external links to your pages and by daily updating blog or website content. By doing this you can easily get a faster index and rank higher.
5 SEO Tips For Massive Traffic
1) "Time-Spent" Keyword Research:
The main objective of good SEO is quality keyword research. Remember to have patience when researching and implementing ideas. Take the necessary time needed for each given task.
Finding the right keywords may take a lot of time and patience. Use tools to help you find out which keywords are the best.
Google Adwords Keyword Tool or Google Insight and Google Suggestions are good examples of some of the tools you can use to find the right keywords for your niche.
An idea to sort out keywords is to download them into an excel sheet. Remember that the keywords should match the content and products of your website. Sort the keywords by the number of daily searches, or monthly, or yearly.
Another idea is to sort keywords by competition levels. The competition of a keyword will give you a clue as to how many competitors there are for that keyword, and the likelihood of how high your results will show for that keyword. The lower the competition, the more likely you will get a higher search engine ranking.
2) Content:
The second major factor that plays a role in SEO would be original and optimized content. Make sure to deliver fresh and unique content on a regular basis as well as balanced keyword rich content. Typically around 5% to 6% should be your goal. Web crawlers will take notice of this pattern and higher your rankings on the search engines.
3) Specific Keyword Placements:
Make sure you place keywords in the specific areas that search engine crawlers look for them. Place keywords in titles, description, and tags. Use Alt tags and place them on images if you have any. Web crawlers only read html on your webpages. So where there is html, try to include keywords.
4) Article Submission:
Submit articles to article websites. This will help your website to get crawled faster. Remember to place keywords in your title, content, and tags.
Also remember to go back and add article keyword tags for other keywords that happen to display your results.
5) Social Bookmarking:
Make a schedule to be highly active in social bookmarking sites. Join the most famous bookmarking sites like digg, twitter, delicious, etc. Bookmark your articles on a daily basis. Along the way, make friends or gain "followers," to build your own line of fans.
Use these techniques on a daily basis and you will start to see results. Remember to stay consistent, and just do it!
Monday, December 13, 2010
HTTP Status Codes
100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Found303 Other
304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy
307 Temporary Redirect
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Time-out
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URI Too Large
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Requested range not satisfiable
417 Expectation Failed
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Time-out
505 HTTP Version not supported
Sunday, December 12, 2010
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