Internet Goes on Strike & Fights Against SOPA & PIPA?
On Wednesday, some of the Internet's largest entities blacked out their websites or their logos or some of their content in a protest against the SOPA and PIPA anti-piracy bills making their way through Congress.
If you're wondering whether all of this had an effect, the answer is yes. Big time.
- the largest Web player to block access to its pages for a full 24 hours.
- Reports that a whopping 162 million people experienced the blackout on the online encyclopedia's landing page.
- In addition, 8 million U.S. readers took Wikipedia's suggestion and looked up their congressional reps from the site.
Google reported Wednesday that...
- As of 1:30 PM PST, 4.5 million people had signed its petition asking lawmakers to reject the SOPA in the House and the PIPA in the Senate.
Twitter said...
- 2.4 million SOPA related tweets were sent in the first 16 hours of the day Wednesday.
- The top five terms were SOPA, Stop SOPA, PIPA, Tell Congress, #factswithoutwikipedia.
WordPress reports that...
- At least 25,000 WordPress blogs had joined the SOPA and PIPA protest by blacking out their blogs entirely
- An additional 12,500 had posted a "Stop Censorship" ribbon.
Below Internet Leads showed their protest against SOPA and PIPA..
Please don't censor the web
Imagine a world without free knowledge
Why Censoring..
A spokeswoman for Google says 4.5 million people signed anti-SOPA petition today
When Google speaks, the world listens. And today, when Google asked its users to sign a petitionprotesting two anti-piracy laws circulating in Congress, millions responded.
Congress, Can You Hear Us?
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