Remembering Michael Jackson - No One Will Ever Fill His Shoes

Michael Jackson Tributes From =
Oh Michael...
People! Look! This boy is shining
with the light of hundreds suns!
But his eyes are sad and lonely,
but his eyes are sad and lonely
like the brightest stars...
Look! His smile's naive and childish
and his laughter's soft and clear
but I hear a trace of sadness,
but I hear a trace of sadness
somewhere in my ear...
I hope your still alive so that you can read our messages of love for you.By the wa,I'm your loving fan forever,Jamie..and you know,i'm just only 14 yrs. old,but i do know how to appreciate your music.Your music touched me,your music inspired.So now,i'm studying hard to reach my drems..and that's all because of you MJ.THANK YOU FOR INSPIRING A LOT OF PEOPLE,ESPECIALLY ME.THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR GOOD DEEDS,THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR EXTRAORDINARY TALENTS,THANK YOU FOR THE INSPIRATION,THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE,THANK YOU FOR ALL THE THINGS THAT YOU GAVE TO US,EVEN YOURSELF,THANK YOU FOR THE JOY AND HAPPINESS..THANK YOU,MICHAEL.And you know,what?..your my favorite teacher,why?..because you taught to us the real meaning of the word..LOVE.But even if it's one year after your death..still i can't move on about it.I keep on trying but i can't.But just like what they say.."GOODBYES ARE NOT FOREVER,GOODBYES ARE NOT THE END..THEY SIMPLY MEAN..I'LL MISS YOU UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN:)" I LOVE YOU MICHAEL.AND I PROMISE YOU THAT EVEN IF YOUR DEAD,YOUR MUSIC WILL LIVE FOREVER,YOU WILL LIVE FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS,THE LEGACY YOU LEAVE BEHIND WILL LIVE FOREVER,AND YOUR "LOVE LIVES FOREVER"...I LOVE YOU MICHAEL,I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART..I MISS YOU SO MUCH.
Love You Michael
Today marks the 1 year anniversary death of the LEGENDARY KING OF POP THE ONE AND ONLY MICHAEL JACKSON. Last year you left us Michael and I was sad and just completely shocked.How come Heaven Couldn't Wait?? Did the Lord have to take you before you woke??...No one uunderstands why the Lord took you but it was your time to be with the Lord. I listen to Michael Jackson music EVERYDAY JUST TO KEEP MY DAY GOING...Maybe now as your brother Marlon said last year on July 7, they will LEAVE YOU ALONE and truely MICHAEL JACKSON is an imspiration to me because i've always had dreams of becoming a singer since I LOVE his music...WELL ALL I CAN SAY IS GOD BLESS MICHAEL JACKSON..I MISS YOU VERY MUCH!!! :'-(
martha maldonado, age 13, denver, CO
Michael Jackson, Forever in our hearts...
Michael, we miss you deeply! gee, i can't believe its been ONE YEAR without your presence. you would've been on your "this is is" tour, but your comeback never happened. people might have said awful things about you and have even made parodies, but i don't think its funny at all. they just believe whatever the stupid reporters and paparazzi say. i for once believe that you never did that to little boys because i know how you felt about not having a childhood. but forget that, your on the big stage in heaven now, and there's nothing we can do anymore. no one, and i mean NO ONE will ever replace you because you are ONE and ONE ONLY King of Pop, you are IRREPLACEABLE, and we're lucky we had a guy like you around in our time. Michael Jackson, forever in our hearts.
God's Angel Now..
Rest in Peace Michael.......Our Hearts are as Heavy with Sorrow as the day you left us......Michael appeared to me as one of the most fragile and lonely people I've ever known. His heart may have finally stopped beating Thursday afternoon, June 25th, but it had been broken long before.
He gave so much and took so little. His beauty will never me matched or replaced.
History must written new...His whole life he tried to help -making our World a better place - he always divided all he had.
He was made a martyr by greedy people- Easy to ridicule by those who don't understand, he is an angel among us.
So lets bless Michael forever......He will always live in our hearts - in eternity!
Michael, I'm so sorry for what you went through throughout your life. The media, greed and lies brought you to this place. The human spirit can only take so much. They caused you more than enough pain. I'm still crying, my appetite has almost disappeared, I walk around with such emptiness, my son thinks it's time to get checked in, but as I told him I grew up with you and your loss has caused more pain than I can bear. I never felt this way about someone passing. It pains me because I know you didn't deserve to go the way you did and that you were such an innocent, pure, loving, angel Michael and they didn't realize it. Why do we always lose the good people so early?? I'm so sorry, so sorry.
Words are not enough to describe the feelings i have right now. I can't accept the fact that you are gone. My heart is broken and i feel like you took a part of me with you. I think, indeed, you were sent by God in this world for children, for sensitive people, to heal the world. That' s why i never believed all the stories about you written by magazines, cause to me you were the most purest man I have ever seen, so sincere, so shy, and above all you had so much love to give.
You were beautiful inside and outside.
You will always be missed by all your fans all over the world.You were an inspiration for a lot of us. You were an amazing dancer, a great artist, The King of Pop.
God sent us Michael to help to make this a better world....Despite his efforts to help us see God's vision and goodness....the people of this world sadly turned against him and ridiculed him publicly for the things he did. My heart aches SO badly at the word that this great man had passed on.....Almost like God has taken him home after seeing that this world was not worthy of Michael....It is a sad day and a dark day when he left our presence, God will take care of him and openly welcome him home.
God bless Michaels children, they are the ones who have lost the most. I wish I could reach out to them and help comfort them.My prayers are with the Jackson family...Your World Contributions will last forever in our Hearts!!
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