The longest moments of our lives would be those when we wait for someone or something.Be it as simple as waiting for a bus or as serious as our interview or exam results which might change our lives. Now when I talk about bus, somehow Murphys law always seems right when it comes to me. Anytime when I wait for a bus, the bus would come within 2 minutes but in the opposite direction. Same happens when I wait for a cab. If I wait in a long queue there will be so many cabs coming but it would stop coming exactly when it is my turn. The only solace or hope I would be left with is ... God!!! please make the person standing next to me as lucky.
Well the other thing is in the end of a long wait if something positive happens then atleast its worth the wait. But sometimes we wait for something which is never going to happen and feel sad about it.Now when it comes to waiting, I just want to share few moments of my life which I would never forget. If I think of it, it feels as though they all happend just few days back.
As kids we wait for the exams to get over, wait for summer holidays , wait for the outings to go and for cousins to arrive , wait for play time, wait at home for parents to come and what not. As we grow older we still keep waiting but wait for different other set of reasons.
The drawback of both parents working is that kids miss us. My parents since both of them were working never had time to attend any of my school annual day function or sports day. Most of the time it will be in a week day and they would miss it. But my ammamma is a source of inspiration. She would encourage me to pariticipate in everything. All she would say is winning is not important but participating is more important.So I used to take part in every competition I know of. And it was in my eleventh standard , I guess I won prizes in almost all the competitions I participated. Lady luck was by my side probably. Then my teacher called me and said that my parents should come to the annual day.It was a saturday. I had to go to school by 3:00 to get dressed up for a dance performance. I asked my mom to come for the culturals at 6:00.From 6:00 I was standing near the gate waiting for her to come. My turn came for performance, I just danced and again came back to the door waiting. And then came prize distribution after that, the chief guest speech, they called for my mother.But she was not there, and my teacher was asking for her. In the end my friends mom went to the stage and collected the shield for me with me. She couldnt come because she was held up in a meeting but that was one of the days which felt like a never ending wait.
After that when I was pregnant, the first three months every time I go and see the doctor to get the scan done, it would be alteast a minimum of 1 to 2 hours wait and till three months the doctor was telling I should be very carefull and she can confirm anything only after 3 months. So till I go inside and get the scan done, I could just feel my heart beating fast but the clock never ticking. And after the three months, then it was during my delivery. I had pains for 2 days and the longest nights were those when there is pain and no electircity at home and people around are sleeping. But that was all worth the wait and when I saw my angel princess all those waits and all those pains were all felt worth the wait. And the miracle is that you never remember the pain immediately after seeing your child.
But these waits in hospitals are really the most unfortunate moments of everyones life. Becuase the next thing is when my husband had to undergo a surgery. Waiting outside the operation theatre was like really hell. I dont even want to write about it and I just pray that no one ever should go through such a situation.
Now coming to the lighter side,now these waits, which make the moments as the longest moments like einsteins theory of relativity,how do we get over them. How do we do something productive in those moments because idle mind becomes devil's workshop. Well that I have to work upon too because the only two things I used to do it is to read a novel or listen to music. Anyways, whatever it is we cannot escape these waits. Sometimes we wait for someone to leave while sometimes we are desperate in waiting to see someone and hoping that the time when we are with them last forever.So wait!!!! Dont get bored. Am completing this topic here. Let all the waits be worth the wait for you all.
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