Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brighten Someone's Day with a Random Act of Kindness.

Brighten Someone's Day with a Random Act of Kindness

Have you ever had a stranger offer you their place in line at a grocery store or open the door for you when your hands were full? If you’ve really been lucky, maybe someone paid for your meal at a drive-thru. We call these random acts of kindness - when someone does something nice for us even when they don’t know us.  


The idea is to be nice to someone so they can pass it on to someone else. If we all lived this way, think how much nicer the world (or your community) would be. Here are a few ideas to help you with some random acts of kindness of your own.



One of the biggest ways you can help someone is by using your money. You can do any of the following and it will make a difference:

-Put a quarter in a meter when you are about to leave or in the spot next to you

-Tip a service person more than the usual

-When you leave a foreign country, give away all of the currency that is left instead of converting it back

-Offer to babysit for free

-Offer your services to a charity organization for free

-Donate items 

-Give a warm coat to someone in a homeless shelter


Your Time

Sometimes it can be even harder to give away your time than it is your money. Here are some ideas that don’t cost anything more than a few minutes or hours.

-Donate blood

-Give up your seat on a crowded bus or in a waiting room

-Visit a nursing home and spend time with a resident

-Smile at a stranger

-Let someone take your place in line

-Open the door for someone

-Carry someone’s bags when their arms are full

-Tell a service person that they are doing a good job

-Volunteer at a hospice to sit with a terminally ill person


Your Wisdom

Have you learnt anything special in your years of living? Draw from that pool of knowledge and help someone else.

-Join Big Brothers or Big Sisters and mentor a child

-Volunteer to tutor a child or adult

-Offer your skills to a career center or other place that helps people find jobs and teach others

-Give tips to a tourist about the best places to visit or eat

-Praise people whom you notice doing a good job

-Volunteer at a charity organization


You can find hundreds of ways to give your time, talent, and money to help others. This list is just to give you a start to find ways that you can make an impact in the world. You may think that you are just one person, so how much of a difference can you really make. To just one person, you can make a world of difference.

Brighten Someone's Day with a Random Act of Kindness.

Posted on: Beverly Hills Real Estate-Beverly Hills Homes For Sale

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