Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Linkaround

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Cartoon of the Day – NRO Home page

Seven Of The Most Disturbing Quotes From Members Of The Obama Administration

Top five cliches that liberals use to avoid real arguments

Republicans prepare contempt citation against Eric Holder over Fast and Furious

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign

President Obama is getting desperate -- and it shows

Krauthammer's Takedown Of EPA -video

Friday night news dump: Obama bypasses Congress, funds Palestinian Authority

When will Democrats stop lying about oil?

Boehner: Obama ‘Picking a Fight Where One Doesn’t Exist’ on Student Loans

Cuisines from My Stepfather –Mark Steyn

Obama Camp Accused Clinton Of Using Bin Laden To ‘Score Political Points’ In 2008

Administration’s Counter-Terrorism Chief Does Three Network Sunday Shows

Phony Indian Elizabeth Warren Claimed She Was Native American For Harvard Job… She’s Not Pocadishonest?

Fauxcahontas and the melting pot - Mark Steyn

Racism and George Zimmerman –Thomas Sowell

"Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate" –AP 2004 Who knew the AP were Birthers?

D.C. Memorial Day parade to honor Iraq vets

Debunking Racism Myths - Thomas Sowell

Obama Ignores Real War On Women

About That New Obama Slogan

The Cross Stays! Don't Like It? Tough!

Pics of the Day: Bush Center Warrior 100K

Weekend at Bin Laden’s

Obamanites Demonstrate Ignorance of US Flag Code once again

This Is How Liberals View Diversity

For a Party that wants the "Youth," Vote, why do Democrats Have Older then Dirt Candidates?

Conservative Ghettos, Liberal Beachheads

Predictable: Obama spikes the Bin Laden football

Operation Fast and Furious: Guns Used In Murder of Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez Brother Of State Attorney General

Dozens just laid off at The New York Times - lawyers, minorities hardest hit

Rule Five Roundup*:

American Perspective – Kate Upton

American Power- Kelly Brook , Bar Refaeli Nude Underwear Advertisement

Sheena Horne

Camp of the Saints - Rule Five Saturday

Classic Liberal – Rule 5

Kate Upton

The Daley Gator – Daley Babes – Beyonce

El Opinador Compulsivo – Oh, Nurse!, Little Yellow Bikini

Eye of Polyphemus – Hayden Panettiere, Kaley Cuoco, Jessica Simpson

Friday Night Babe – Tulisa Contostavlos

Kate Upton's Cat Daddy Dance -video

The Right Way - Anna Kournikova

Guns and Bikinis – Bow Babe

Hookers and Booze - Blonde

Jake Finnegan – Beyonce

Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – Friday Pinup

Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, If All You See…, If All You See…, If All You See…, If All You See…, If All You See…, If All You See…

pitsnipesgripes – Mid week celeb eye candy

PostalDog - lithe blonde

Randy’s Roundtable –Midweek Break, Thursday Nite Tart

Reaganite Republican – Miss Cyprus

Rio Norte Line – Tulisa Contosavlos

Sex in Advertising – Victoria's Secret - video

Soylent Green – Friday Corset

Support your local Gunfighter – Hooters girl, Christina Hendricks

The Feral Irishman – Jordan Carver

The Last Tradition – Diana Dors, Kate Moss, Nathalia Ramos, Mamie Van Doren

Theo Spark –Bath night, Sunday Toddy

Three Beers Later – Rule 5 1/2

Vintage Babe of the Week – Marie McDonald

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

*By no means comprehensive.
Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. If you feel that I’ve neglected a link, news, commentary, humor or Rule Fivage, send a link to the contact email on the sidebar. (All spambots must die!)
Cross posted at Say Anything

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