I was rushing home from office, since I got a call from home that my daughter was not well. Leaving her and going to office is a every day trauma, but especially when she is not well then how could you put it in words the ache you feel in your heart.
Well coming back to the original story, it was when I was rushing home in cab, I noticed something that was very disturbing. My cab stopped in a signal and I was obsevring a old man walking very slowly and tired. He suddenly held his stomach and sat down in the pavement. Its near the signal. What if he slips and fell down on the road. I was worried. I saw some students walking past him, some people chatting and crossing him but none bothered to look.
All this took place in few seconds and I had no choice but to get down from the cab. I got down and went to him.
And when I asked him what happenned and if he need any medical help, poor he, he couldnt understand my language and I couldnt understand his chinese language. Thankfully I saw a girl coming next and asked her to talk to him. She shrugged and said looks like he is hungry. The food court was very near by so I kind of accompained him and dropped him in a food court and gave him some money and I rushed back home.
I dont think I have done a right thing. What I did could have solved his problem for that time but later. May be I should have left him in a old age home or something But I had to rush to see my daughter. My selfishness comes first. But what was more strange was there are people walking past him , students walked past him none bothered to even ask or wait to check on him.
What is happening to Humanity...
In the village I stayed when I was working for a bank, it was like I dont know how to put it in poetic words..
Its like people rushing to fan a flower with dew drops thinking that the flower is sweating..Humanity was like that...
I know now the world is changed a lot more. We do not know if we are helping the right person or not. I had had bad experiences before trying to help some who turned out to be drunkards. But that doesnt stop us from being good. From being helpful.
When I was in school we had a class for moral instructions. Where the teacher would tell us stories on Panchatanthra and about morals about good character etc. In the end we will have exam on that, and the irony is that even if you neednt pass the exam it is okay.
See...Moral is optional then!!! But now there is no class in school for moral instruction. They could as well use it for some other training or to put more efforts on other subjects that would bring more marks and also galores to the school.
In the end I dont know if money would matter or status would matter or the big circle of so called friends and relatives or the big house and a car that matters..
Like there is a saying..Its not how many moments you breath but what matters are the moments that took your breath away.
Just living doesnt matter, Living a life of honesty and sincerity and spreading kindess is what matters.
'What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?'
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