Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lee Vanden Sleaze Strikes Again?

Not that long ago, we noted that Lee Vanden Brink, hereafter known as Lee Vanden Sleaze, was stealing other people's work and slapping his name on them. He took a lot of it, if not most of it, down, and I thought that was the end of it - Internet plagiarist gets smacked down, lesson learned.

Not entirely. While it seems he is now loathe to erase the names of the creators and replace them with his own, it appears that he believes anything he finds without someone's name is his for the taking, without acknowledging from whence he may have gotten it or whose it is. (Be sure not to leave your car parked in front of this guy's house. He might "find" it on the street!)

Case in point: I saw this image over at Full Metal Patriot and left a comment at 3:26 PM CDT.
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I remembered thinking to myself, the "mom jeans" quote was a nice touch.

Mirabile dictu! Lee Vanden Sleaze posts the same image, the same day at 5:39 PM, without attribution or a link back to where he "found" it. And while thankfully he is no longer plastering his name all over work he did not create, at the very least it is extremely rude and boorish behavior not to acknowledge the creator of the work, or at least where you found it.

Public shaming apparently isn't enough to keep Mr. Vanden Sleaze honest. Public caning, perhaps?

In case Mr. Vanden Sleaze wants to drop that page down the memory hole, you can see it here:
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...or here.

You may note that I left a screen shot of my attempt to leave a comment, which his site will not accept, except from the echo chamber of his friends, who, presumably will not out him for his indiscretions. Such courage ought to be recognized. /sarc

Mr. Vander Sleaze: If I have erred in any way, please remember that I did try to contact you. Please feel free to write and correct me, if I am wrong, and I shall issue an apology and a correction, but I won't be holding my breath.

Update : It appears that the Mega Independent Post Dispatch was the originator of the P'shop. 'Netiquette requires that even if you don't know who created something, you certainly know where you found it. If you think something is worthy of re-posting, you should at least give a hat tip/link to the place you found it.

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